Takeda Laboratory [Go to Japanese version] [ internal page (password required) with CGI | without CGI]
Introduction of our research

In our laboratory, we investigate interdisciplinary region between theory of physics (statistical physics, field theory) and information science (telecommunication theory, compression of information, information theory, etc.).
We have been investigated the following topics.
* Disordered system in physics (spin glasses, Anderson localization, quantum spin system with disorder)
* Information processing (error correcting code, telecommunication systems such as CDMA or MIMO, compressed sensing, matrix factorization, development of analytical method for neuroscience)
* Analytical method for random systems (replica trick, mean field theory for random system, duality, supersymmetry, random matrix, etc.)
* Statistical Physics
* Field Theory

Contact information

(Graduate) Major in Computer and Information Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University
(Undergraduate) Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, College of Engineering, Ibaraki University

Office (Takeda) : Room 302 on the 3rd floor, E2 building, Hitachi Campus (College of Engineering)
Postal Address: 4-12-1, Nakanarusawa Hitachi, 316-8511 Ibaraki, Japan
e-mail (Takeda): koujin.takeda.kt(at)vc.ibaraki.ac.jp
Tel (Takeda): 0294-38-5325 (domestic) | 5325 (extension)

Information on staff's lectures   Information on lectures is available on CampusSquare and Manaba.

[Spring-Summer semester]
Laplace transform (Dept. of MechSys. daytime course/2nd year student/2nd period on Tuesday)
Ordinary differential equation (Dept. of MechSys., FLEX course/2nd year student/5th period on Monday)
[Autumn-Winter semester]
Linear algebra II (Dept. of MechSys./1st year student/4th period on Tuesday)
[Graduate School]
Special Topics on statistical analysis (Major in CompInfo./3rd period on Thursday)

How to visit our laboratory  Please click this link.


Associate Professor Koujin TAKEDA room: E2-302 mail: koujin.takeda.kt (at_mark) vc.ibaraki.ac.jp
2nd year of master course (M2) Hayato INOMATA room: E2-309
2nd year of master course (M2) Chihiro SEKITA room: E2-309
2nd year of master course (M2) Ryohei NAKANO room: E2-309
1st year of master course (M1) Yuta SHIINA room: E2-309
1st year of master course (M1) Yu TAKEI room: E2-309
1st year of master course (M1) Sora HASHIMOTO room: E2-309
1st year of master course (M1) Yuga HAYASHIDA room: E2-309
4th year of undergraduate course (B4) Shuma NAKAYAMA room: E2-309
4th year of undergraduate course (B4) Ryuga YAMAGISHI room: E2-309
4th year of undergraduate course (B4) Keisuke MANADA room: E2-309